Digitalisation bonus plus

Support for concrete projects for introducing new digital solutions as well as for enhancing IT security at SMEs.

Who is to be supported?

The digitalisation bonus plus is designed to support SMEs from all sectors of industry with a workforce of up to 500 in their digital transformation by providing support for the concrete introduction of new digital information and communication technology (ICT) systems for their products, services, processes and supplier relations and for enhancing ICT security.

What is to be supported?

Financial support is available, for instance, for the acquisition of ICT hardware and software that contributes towards significant progress in the applicant’s internal digitalisation efforts as well as for the introduction of such hardware and software and the necessary personnel training measures. The preconditions for support funds to be granted include, amongst other things, that the project submitted has not yet begun.

What forms of support are available?

Projects worth between 5,000 and 100,000 euro are supported. The digitalisation bonus will be available as grant (without loan) and a grant that is combined with a loan.

The digitalisation bonus is a measure of the ‘Business 4.0 Initiative’ of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism of Baden-Württemberg as part of the state-wide ‘digital@bw’ digitalisation strategy.