On 26 July 2021, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics, Labour and Tourism awarded outstanding examples of "AI made in Baden-Württemberg" for the second time as part of the "AI Champions Baden-Württemberg" competition.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the key technology of the future, which is just as important for the economy as it is for solving global societal challenges. Baden-Württemberg, as one of the national, European and worldwide leading AI regions, goes one step ahead. Today Baden-Württemberg is already a pioneer for AI and continues to strengthen its role as Germany's engine of innovation. Numerous outstanding examples of “AI made in Baden-Württemberg” prove the potential that the state has.
In order to demonstrate this potential, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism has called for the "AI Champions Baden-Württemberg" competition for the second time this year.
Nine AI champions from Baden-Württemberg will be awarded on July 26, 2021. Take part!
Further information and registration you will find here.
Contact person
Cornelia Schwarck
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus Baden-WürttembergStv. Leiterin Referat „Industrie- und Technologiepolitik, Digitalisierung“
Schlossplatz 4
70173 Stuttgart